Thursday 1 September 2011



The above statement represents our strategic planning for the proposal of Partial Parliament. It underlines our journey from start to present.

Above is a written statement expressed in a interesting manner colloquially representing our strategies and proposal for the future Capital.

FInal Product - Foundation

The final product of our framework which will lead into our design brief. Interestingly, each group member will be given the same brief however have different out comes and locations of the proposed design. Each design will still maintain the core principles Canberra Parliamentary house currently holds and new design strategies we have put forward, thus still maintain a theoretical connection with the existing parliament.

Resolution (Symbol/ Presence)

This symbol represents how each part of the proposal come together as one (unity). The core is represented with the theoretical analysis and framework whereas the outer shell (polar) illustrates the physical infrastructure to design. Both together will determine the design which enables characteristics such as Presence, Identity, Concept and Process. These four main quadrants can be seen as giving the design a symbolic nature, a place, an identity and overall presence.

Creating Partial Parliament (Distribution)

The above diagram illustrates the proposed idea of distributing parliament. Refer to "The Gap" for the in depth understanding.

Developing Framework (CORE)

Understanding the core!!

When relating to Canberra and its design both physically and theoretically we must understand the idea behind the initial thought process. 

What is maintained in design of such parliamentary buildings over the decades?
What values are still seen in today design even though exterior may have modernized?
Physically, what areas of design are strong, powerful, gives presence??
Theoretically, what values/ principles arise when comparing the new and the old?

This is seen as core values that stay intact in history but allowing for change in certain areas of design. As a Capital what core values and principles do we want the proposed idea to represent?

The above diagram illustrates the core value (Unity) we have derived from factors believed to enhance the capital. By employing these factors and relating them as one we can propose a better and more sustainable future.

Sketch (Exploration)

Sketch concept design for presentation of diagrams and exploration of different themes.

The GAP (Proposal)

Creating an envornment to house the publics concerns aswell as existing issues that nation are facing with. This allows the nation as a whole to be responsible for the future. Housing all of the above is the desired outcome. In cases where not will be available, Representitives from each sector will attend. This proposed idea is help the communication gap between public and high levels of government.


Architectural Presence and Identity (Theoretical Infrastructure)

Theoretical Infrastructure

By understanding the existing infrastructure of the Parliament house in Canberra we can begin to understand what key principles/ guidelines/ strategies are used to employ presence and identity in the design.

Theoretically, employing similar values and principles in the distributed propsed parliament allows us to maintain the connection back Canberra but also allowing the design to be designed site specific. Factors such as environment, culture, access, structure etc. all create the spine for the innovative building but allows flexibility to be integrated, illustrating the future of design (symbolically). 

Architectural Presence and Identity (Physical Infrastructure)

Physical Infrastructure

Understanding what is involved purely relating to the form and physical components of Parliament.

What factors/ principles must be maintained to keep intact the integrity of parliament?
What design features illustrate presence?
what factors illustrate identity? 

Locality, Culture, Symbol, Typology etc. all relate directly to the physical framework of design. By issuing these design principles we can distribute this innovative idea around the nation which in turn relates directly to site and each state but still linking back to the initial core of design Canberra. 

In a way, partial parliament is seen as taking what Canberra has developed (infrastructure), using the framework in which the design was based upon and relocating this process around the nation, however when relocating comes different context. Maintaining the physical framework but changing the aesthetics which will relate to its environment can be perceived as distributed parliament. 

Distribution - Functionality

Distribution - Locality

Distribution - Connectivity

Distribution - Sharing

Social Issues and Values

By creating an architectural environment specifically to breach the communication gap between the public and high levels of government. Thus allows us not to focus on parliament specifically (in terms of each individual issue), but attack the problem as a whole creating the idea of any issues that may occur to be resolved or opinions voiced which in turn directly relates back to the government instead of letting governance make big decisions which affects livability standards of the public. Decision making should be done as one (unity) which inturn distributes responsibility and not only one is to blame.