Thursday 1 September 2011

Architectural Presence and Identity (Physical Infrastructure)

Physical Infrastructure

Understanding what is involved purely relating to the form and physical components of Parliament.

What factors/ principles must be maintained to keep intact the integrity of parliament?
What design features illustrate presence?
what factors illustrate identity? 

Locality, Culture, Symbol, Typology etc. all relate directly to the physical framework of design. By issuing these design principles we can distribute this innovative idea around the nation which in turn relates directly to site and each state but still linking back to the initial core of design Canberra. 

In a way, partial parliament is seen as taking what Canberra has developed (infrastructure), using the framework in which the design was based upon and relocating this process around the nation, however when relocating comes different context. Maintaining the physical framework but changing the aesthetics which will relate to its environment can be perceived as distributed parliament. 

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